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U.S. Sentencing Commission Adopts Priority of Expanding Use of Expertise, Evidence, and Best Practices

Article by Plea Bargaining Institute
Fri 20 Sep 2024
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Earlier this year, the United States Sentencing Commission invited stakeholders in the criminal justice system to propose policymaking, research, and operation work that the Commission should consider for the upcoming amendment cycle.

In response to that request for proposals, the Plea Bargaining Institute submitted a comment calling for the creation of a fifth standing advisory group comprised of academics from various fields of study. The creation of an academics advisory group, the PBI argued, would serve as a resource for the Commission with regard to not only the further development, analysis, and dissemination of plea bargaining data, but also sentencing data more generally. Information about the PBI letter to the Commission may be found in this news release.

After reviewing the submission, the Commission recently released its priorities for the amendment cycle ending May 1, 2025. The PBI is pleased to note that in response to the recommendations they received, the Commission unanimously adopted the following: “Expanding the Commission’s use of expertise, evidence, and best practices.”

The PBI commends the Commission for its adoption of this priority and encourages the Commission to explore the creation of an academics advisory group as it further evaluates this issue. Such an advisory group would help realize this goal by providing an opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between the Commission and the academy.